Saturday, April 28, 2012

Green Checklist

This list will likely dominate in the next several weeks in my house! So hubby and I had a heart-to-heart about my wanting to go greener. Basically, it's important to us to be responsible without disrupting our whole routine. For example, composting is not in our near future! So here is my official take on the kale smoothie addition: YUCK!!! I could imagine if I had used a food processor to make the smoothie absolutely smooth instead of slightly clumpy, that MAYBE it could be a repeat. Also - I just pinched off a little bit of kale. What is a girl to do with the rest? I have seen recipes for kale chips, but we will see. The endeavor of this week's trip the farmer's market recipe-wise will be andalucian gazpacho.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Farmer's Market!

Exciting event of the week: farmer's market in my neighborhood! Hurray! I have been on a kick the last few years to buy more locally and to reduce our "foot print". My bestie would just call me a tree-hugger and leave it at that ;) Due to the ever over-reaching goals of trying to do all of those things and also to get into better shape, I have actually managed to get into a smoothie kick lately. I am proud of myself because I actually went out to pick strawberries at a farm and blended my own strawberry-banana smoothies all week! The next trick will be to expand my smoothie vocabulary into other fruits as well as trying kale. Yes, kale. Weird, right? I've heard it's not much of a taste difference with a huge nutrition increase. We shall see. I bought a bunch of fresh kale at the aforementioned farmer's market this week.

Ok so it's kinda funny that this week Ph.D. comics put this out : Speaking of existentialism and female nerd-dom! Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Megan Knows

So there is a story behind this.

When I was a kiddo, not sure of the exact age, I used to insert my knowledge into every conversation I could. Because, that's what you do, right? My mom and dad started to respond to these precious moments by exclaiming "Megan Knows!" Now that I'm older, I find this absolutely hilarious. And not just because I realize how absolutely obnoxious I must have been, but also because I realize as an adult that one cannot know much at all for certain!

For those who may be reading who would not consider themselves a nerd/geek/whatever the term you use, please forgive the following obscure reference. Yes, yes, I know. You can put away the super soaker. I am done being existential. For now.