Sunday, February 16, 2014

Maybe I'm just getting old: Movies

I have absolutely struck out on picking movies this week. First, I watched "Don Jon" (more of a porn documentary than an actual movie), then I watched "Elysium" (great until a guy's head is blown up onscreen), and then to top it off, "This is the End" (too many dirty guy jokes!!!).

I'm sorry, but seriously? Do we really have to have graphic sexual content and/or graphic too-realistic violent whole bodies or appendages being blown up in order to make a movie any more? What happened to less is more?? Believe you me, I do not classify myself as a wilting violet or as a person who is shy to discuss adult topics. However, I am sick and tired of seeking entertainment only to find content that seems to be aimed at "let's shock everyone because the more graphic, the more interesting" rather than actual entertainment.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Finding Zen in the Wild West

After a year of enjoying excellent new mexican food, hubby and I are finally in agreement on wanting to settle in the same place - here! It has been just about adventures, priorities, and many things to be thankful for.

One of our most recent adventures thankfully is the rediscovery of our love of hiking together. Granted, we loved hiking during our high school days for many reasons (mostly the views, of course!). Now that we are in our 4th decade of life, it was a joy to remember how much just walking on a trail really helped us feel relaxed and at peace.

Of course, with any adventure, there are bumps in the road. We have had plenty of those, thank you. It seems that somehow we were meant to begin learning an important lesson: priorities.

While we absolutely want to help everyone in the universe, we are learning the lesson of caring for ourselves and one another as the trumping priority. I read today that marriage shouldn't be hard work. The article said that marriage should be effortless if it is with the right person. I call BULL!!!

We are definitely looking forward to what the next year brings as we try to maintain our treasured Zen in the Wild West.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


So my latest obsession with organization & upcycling led to nothing cool, but it did at least have us using all of our curtains, etc as packaging material lol!

Going West

We are going out west in search of gold!

Or maybe just good Mexican food. Hubby may disagree, but I do like a good lowcountry shrimp & grits dish. We are going to our going away party today in the section of the area referred to as the Corner (referred with the local dialect as the ko-r-nah).

We are so blessed to have a send-off. The end of one chapter begets the beginning of the next.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Travel for Thought

As I am writing this, my body is resetting itself to its native timezone and our big luggage piece is brimming over, as of yet unpacked. Hubby and I have just come back from jumping the pond for a week with good friends. Hurray adventure!

Men in Black III has a good bit about how when there is too much to think through, it's time to eat some pie. Only then can we let our minds relax enough to figure things out.

So while on a trip 5 hours ahead of us in a foreign land, perspective smacked us in the face. Where we are now and where we want to be.

One of the conclusions that we drew is that in some ways we are very far from where we want to be, and in others we are right on track. For instance, I definitely want to continue to nest and get our home to reflect us more distinctly. We had begun that process a few months back. Now that I am state-side again, I am sacrificing myself to the Gods of Pinterest to see me through the rest of the house. Watch out, Charleston!

I'll write a separate entry about our trip to England once I have a chance to get those thoughts together.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

To Do List

I know I can't be the only one who starts 50 different tasks with the best of intentions and then never getting anything done. Hubby crossed over my sacred home/work barrier to bring an idea from his workplace to our home. It's a type of to do board. The way it works is that you have three columns: to do, doing, and done. The catch is that are only so many slots in the "doing" column. For the two of us, there is three. So let's pretend that laundry, vacuuming and dishes are on the board. If one of us takes a break or is looking for something else to do, it's tough luck. One of the three things has to be completed and moved over to "done" before another task can be tackled.

I have to say, it has driven the point home that there is only so much two people can get done at once. We are still experimenting with it though.

Are there any weird systems that you use at home to divy up chores?

Monday, July 9, 2012

The older I get, the smarter they get :)

I am sure there could be pages, novels and complete series written to this topic. The most recent case of this in my life is actually quite simple.

Mom and Dad were right about the fruit and nut oatmeal! Holy cow! So, my parents have been reading that "Eat to Live" book and changing some of their eating habits accordingly. I have been back to their house a few times over the past few months and have gotten a taste of these changes. Mom, who always dotes on me more when I am home, made me some of their special oatmeal. Mom basically said it makes her feel like SuperWoman. I would refer to it as the SuperWoman oatmeal, but dad loves it just as much :)

Basically, make oatmeal and load it up with just as much fruit and nuts as the oatmeal itself! Mom and dad's is in a giant bowl for them to split and brimming over with the banannas, walnuts, blueberries and you name it in there. I made mine with the cheater's oatmeal (instant) and loaded it up with blueberries and walnuts. I walked out my door with a spring in my step for sure. And, I can't wait until breakfast again.

I will try to find a good image representation when I get on a real computer.